The City of Tirana on May 27th 2008 organized the European Neighbor's Day This event was organized with the community of the Administrative Unit No.1 of the City. There are about 10.000 inhabitants living in this area and mostly they have come from North and South of Albania after the transition. We would like to inform you that we were very satisfied with the community participation in this event. The European Neighbor's Day brought together hundreds of people of this community which enjoyed each other's accompany giving the message of fighting against the social indifference and developing the real sense of community.
In this pan-European event were present; the community of the area, leaders from Tirana Municipality and also guests from institutions and organizations that operate in Tirana.
The Project Design and Coordination Unit at the Tirana Municipality has organized The European Neighbours' Day with the inhabitants of Administrative Unit No 2, which is located to Television Block Zone. We were satisfied with our participation in the Neighbours' Day. The festive area was lighting from the floodlights and was grown beautiful with balloons, as also a barbecue was propounded for the community and through a great screen a film was shown about the celebration of this Day in the Europe and the work done from the Tirana Municipality on benefit of community. Making cheers to each-other, the inhabitants tried to fight the social indifference and luck of solidarity, giving to each-other the opportunity to cooperate for a better life. Celebrating this Day is a good opportunity to encourage people reacting to each-other, to develop the real sense of community, as also to make aware them being involved in such initiatives.